Stepping Off the Scale

“I’m happy with the way I look,” I told myself, staring into the mirror.

Yet, when I looked down to see what the scale read, that thought quickly disappeared. Rather than letting my confidence take control, I would let the numbers win. As such, I evaluated my self-worth by my weight—not the wisest decision.

This habit went on for a few months, perhaps even a year. Thankfully, though, I broke away from the scale’s power by deciding not to weigh myself anymore.

Since making that change, I’ve not only become healthier—I’ve become happier.

The scale does not know you. It cannot know the wonderful human being stepping on it. So, why do we let it determine if we are skinny/pretty/healthy enough?

Numbers are only numbers. Yes, it’s important to be aware of your body. However, constantly worrying about the numbers on the scale can cause us to become obsessed with our bodies. See the difference?

To avoid that scenario, we can use alternate methods to monitor our bodies without the negative effects of the scale. For example, try monitoring how your clothes feel on you: are they tighter, or are they looser? In fact, you could even just focus on how you feel: have you been happier lately?

Of course, I am not a doctor. But, speaking from experience, I think we all could benefit from a little self-love.

Who cares what the scale says? Don’t let the numbers decide your worth. Whether you’re underweight, overweight or right on target, you are a human being. You have dignity and you are valuable. You can accomplish any of your goals or dreams. You deserve a life full of happiness and peace.

So, treat your body as gift: be thankful for each limb you have and each movement you make.




Stepping Off the Scale