My Older Brother

Thanks to television and movies, I have always secretly wanted an older brother. Now, do not get me wrong, I love my family and would not change a thing about. But, I consistently thought it would be neat to have that one person who would help me with that tricky math problem, who would be my date to a school dance or who would stand up for me after a boy broke my heart—you know, just the seemingly classic older brother.

However, as the years continued to pass and I continued to grow, I have come to realize that I have had an older brother my entire life.

His name is Jesus.

While He cannot physically look over my shoulder, typing numbers into a calculator to help me with my math homework, physically dance around the room with me or physically dry my tears, He can, and certainly does, fulfill an older brother’s greatest task: loving me.

Perhaps in the past I longed for that absent sibling because my relationship with Jesus was simple and based upon what my teachers told me in school. But now, through my own college studies, personal prayer and readings, I have a better understanding, albeit imperfect, knowledge of Him. Specifically, I know that Jesus is always by my side, rooting for me and leading me to righteousness even when I sin. Also, I realize that simply talking to Him as if He was physically in the room actually causes Him to be present. Stated otherwise, just like Jesus presents Himself in the Eucharist after the priest blesses it, when we talk to Jesus, He enters our world, our homes and our lives to establish an everlasting relationship. Furthermore, Jesus fills any role we long for in our lives, meaning that whenever we feel alone or incomplete, Jesus satisfies us.

Of course, this relationship must not be solely focused on us and our needs. In particular, just as much as we yearn for divine love, Jesus desires our earthly love. So, while we use prayer to invoke His presence, we also ought to use that same vehicle to praise and adore Him. If we fail to do so, Jesus’ love will not cease, but we will develop an ill relationship. In fact, just like an actual biological relationship with an older brother, each sibling must take time to show appreciation for each other. Otherwise, both of them may not truly understand the dynamics of their bond, resulting in less interaction and weaker respect for one another.

Thus, whenever I struggle with homework, feel alone or let the world get me down, I know that I have an older brother constantly watching out for me and consoling me.

So, yes, I still long for an older brother, but not simply the kind from television and movies. Rather, I long for my older brother and His hugs. But, I know that longing will be satisfied fully when He comes again in His glory to be with me, and all of us, forever.




My Older Brother

Time for Faith

Some of us are always busy and on the go while some of us are more laid back and take our time.

In other words, some of us are Martha’s and some of us are Mary’s.

The story of these sisters comes from the Gospel of Luke when Jesus comes to visit them at home. While He is there, Martha is running around the house, “distracted with much serving” (Lk. 10:40). Meanwhile, Mary is quietly sitting by Jesus, listening to Him. Her seemingly lazy behavior upsets Martha because she wants Mary to help her with the work. In response, Jesus says, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her” (Lk. 10:41-42).

The lesson we can learn from this narrative is not that we all ought to stay active and refuse to relax until our work is done. Nor should we necessarily choose leisure over work. Rather, no matter what lifestyle we live, we need to center our focus on God.

You see, Mary did not love God more than Martha and Jesus did not mind that Martha was busy with preparations. Similarly, He didn’t favor Mary because she was untroubled. Instead, what Jesus admired about Mary was that she knew she was in the presence of God while Martha’s errands got in the way of that realization for her.

So, we can live fast-paced lives with 24/7 jobs or we can live calm lives, taking things one at a time. However, no matter which lifestyle we live, we have to be careful not to forget God. For instance, running around like Martha makes placing God lower on our priorities too easy. On the other hand, Mary’s relaxed behavior can also cause a separation between us and God because we can get too comfortable.

Thus, God will love us no matter what, but we have to ensure we always love God. Therefore, for those of us are always busy and on the go, perhaps a way to make more room for God is simply talking to Him as we work. Or, we can say a prayer before we perform our tasks, offering up our labor to God. Conversely, for those of us are more laid back and take our time, we can challenge ourselves to spend more time with God in more creative ways such as Adoration or even prayer journaling.

Either way, we need to choose the one thing that is needed, the good part, the one thing that will not be taken away from us: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – God.




Time for Faith